Things have not been working for a while.
Time has passed, and you have no way of accounting where it went.
When you look around, it isn’t clear how you got here.
You have been cycling endlessly – too scared to look up and unable to get out.

Both work and home are stressful.
The disconnection from your friends and family is numbing.
Your partner has stopped trying.
It feels like everyone has given up on you.
Feelings you’ve shoved down for months or years are surfacing. It feels like you are running a race for which you never trained.
There is no end in sight.

Breathe. You’ve made it. You’re safe here.
No one exists in a vacuum.
Feeling disconnected from others, or ourselves, impacts how we love, work, play, and grow.
Carving out the time to break through the fog can help us feel happier, lighter, and passionate about life again.
Explore which path is best for you:
Hello, I’m Evelina Rodriguez
Licensed Wellness Guru
I’m happy you’re here.
Maybe this has been going on for a while, or maybe something has changed recently, and you’re looking for peace. You’re ready to make changes in your life and want to start living wholeheartedly.
I can help!
Balance is something that gets talked about a lot but is rarely deeply understood. Let’s figure out what that means for you and your relationships. Your uniqueness is a gift and will guide our work together as we search for what is dimming the spark in your life.
Right now, you are sitting at a crossroads, searching for belonging, happiness, and closeness.
Give me a call and take your next step toward what you have been searching for. I will walk beside you on your journey to wellness and help to clear through the fog allowing sun to finally shine through.